I am not researching every individual to be found here. The reason they have been added, even though onlydistantly connected, is that we have found how hard it is researching your family, trying to find that one link youmay be looking for. So we try to add as many names as we can, no matter how distantly connected, in the hopethat it may help others in their research. The majority of the individuals and information on these pages has beensent to me by other people who have seen a connection and asked me if I wanted to add their information to thissite, I said yes. I took the information sent to me on face value, I have not researched it myself, so I do notguarantee all of it is correct.It is impossible for me to ask every single person if they have any objection to being listed here. We have done our best not to include personal information on these pages. We have done our best not toinclude living individuals. If you find yourself mentioned here and would rather not then please contact me and Iwill remove you.