Local Intelligence.
The Hobarton Mercury (Tas. : 1854 - 1857) Wednesday 14 November 1855 p2 Article
A WIFE STABBED.-On Saturday night, a
man, named Collidge, stabbed his wife in the
body : the wife appeared for the first time, at
the Police Office on Monday, and made her statement, upon which awarrant was issued for
the husband's apprehension.
Local Intelligence. (1855, November 21). The Hobarton Mercury (Tas. :1854-1857), p. 2.
THE STABBING AFFAIR.-Yesterday Joseph Collidge, charged with stabbinghis wife, and who had been remanded from time to time, was brought before the Chief Police Magistrate, when constable Dorsett informedHis Worship, that he had not succeeded in finding the witnesses, nordid he think he ever should : the prisoner was discharged for the present.