The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Tuesday 8 May 1917 p 5 Family Notices

Family Notices

COLLIDGE.---The Friends of OSCAR J. COLLIDGE, of 357 Glebe-road, GlebePoint, are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved WIFE,Hilda Clarice, which will leave Comus, Waltham-steet, Coogee, THISTUESDAY, at 3 p.m., for Catholic Cemetery, Randwick.
Mrs. P. KIRBY and SON, Ltd,
Funeral Directors, Avoca-street, Randwick.

COLLIDGE.---The Friends of Mrs. W. BARKER are
kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved DAUGHTER, Hilda Clarice Collidge, which will
leave Comus, Waltham-street, Coogee, THIS TUESDAY, at 3 p.m., forCatholic Cemetery, Randwick
Mrs. P KIRBY and SON, LTD.,
Funeral Directors,
7 Elizabeth-street, Sydney.

COLLIDGE.---The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kenny, and Willie and Frank are requested to
attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved SISTER,
Hilda Clarice, which will leave Comus, Waltham-st.,
Coogee, for Randwick Cemetery, at 3 o'clock, TODAY

COLLIDGE.---The Friends of LEO COLLIDGE are
invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved.
SISTER-IN-LAW, Hilda Clarice Collidge, which will
leave from Comus, Waltham-street, Coogee, TO-DAY (Tuesday at 3.00pm)