EARLY MORNING CRASH Motor Car Stolen After Shop Theft Accused In Court
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Tuesday 24 January 1939 p 5 Article

Shop Theft
Accused In Court
There was a sequel In the Hobart Police Court yesterday to the occurrence in Patrick St early on Saturday morning last when a motor-car crashed into a pole and the fire brigade had to quell the flames that broke out in consequence

Trevor Lewis Leonard Broadby (l8), 15 Orchard Rd., Moonah, was charged with having stolen confectionery valued at 10/ from the shop conducted by Clara Josephine Price, at Main Rd., Moonah, and with having illegally used a motor-car owned by William Gibbens. He pleaded guilty and was represented by Mr. J. D. Morris. Detective-Inspector Fleming prosecuted.
Constable Kelleher said that at 1.30 a.m. on Saturday it was reported to him that a plate glass window of the shop had been broken and a quantity of goods stolen. Witness and Constable Parker made inquiries, and on arrival in Hobart heard of the crash in Patrick St. Arriving there he found confectionery scattered near the car. There was then no sign of the accused. He traced him, however, to his home, and at 6.50 a.m. found him there in bed. The accused admitted
that, with a companion, he had broken tho shop window and had stolen the goods, and that afterwards, finding the car unattended in Sunderland St. he had driven it into the city where it got out of control. After the smash he got out of it and went home.