The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) (about) Previous issue Friday 19 August 1927 Page 11
Salvage Prospects
According to private messages received in
Sydney last night th6re is every Indication
that the stranded steamer Riverina will be
refloated at an early date.
The vessel Is gradually moving from her
bed In the sand and all hands engaged In the
operations aro most sanguine.
An urgent telegram received last night by
Mr. F. Hart, managing director of Riverina
Salvage, Ltd., read as follow:-"During Wed-
nesday night and to-day ship's head altered
position eighteen degrees seaward, and is al-
most afloat" Another message stated that
there was a good sea running from the south-
Mr. Hart, who returned from the scene
yesterday, said that the directors were most
optimistic regarding prospects of saving the
Riverina. A continuous strain by means of
the ship's winches had been kept on tbe
hawser attached to an anchor weighing 2
tons. On the high tide last Saturday night,
the vessel bad movod six feet, and since then
the movement had ' been very encouraging.
After the ship had been swung round with
her bow seaward, It was probable that she
would bo refloated without much delay. The
loading of coal on the Riverina was one of
tbe biggest problems, owing to the inacces-
sible position of the ship. There were 40
tons of coal on board, and the company had
75 tons In bags at Eden, ready for tranship-
ment. He was sanguine that the Riverina
would be moved into deep water within twa
or three dayB, If the present weather con-
ditions continued.
Mr. P. R. King, another director of the com-
pany, also returned to Sydney yesterday. He
said that the Riverina might he refloated at
any time'. Mr. King will return to the scene
of the stranding this morning.
Tho stranded steamer Riverina responded to
the heaving uno last night, shifting her posi-
tion 10 degrees seaward. At noon to-day thoFix this text
winches again heaved, and this evening an
extra 42ft of hawser had been hauled aboard.
The ship Is now pointing south 741 degrees
Indications of early success are strengthened
by the most recent soundings which give 18ft
forward of the break of the bridge, and 16ft
at the propeller, with a mlmlmum depth all
round the Bhlp of 10ft. All the holds aro
dry except No. 3, which has a slight leak,
The ship is lying easy on hor bed, and the
compass shows that she has shifted her posi-
tion l8 degreos In twelve hours.