To Mr David Balckburn, Master of His Majesty's Armed Tenders Supply.
By Command of His Excellency.
David Collins, Secretary.
By His Excellency Arthur Phillip, Esq, Captain General & Governor inChief
in His Majesty's Territory of New South Wales & its Dependencies.
Whereas Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball Is from Sickness unable toproceed to Sea, with His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply, of which youare Master, and I think fit that you should command her during hisabsence, or until you should receive further orders. You are herebyrequired and directed to take upon you the Charges of Command of thesaid Armed Tender accordingly, & proceed without Loss of Time toNorfolk Island, where having landed the Stores & Provisions which havebeen put on board by His Majesty's Commissary for that Purpose, aswell as such kind of other Provisions as you can conveniently spare,for the Use of that Settlement, You are to receive on board the Officers, Seamen, Marines late belonging to His Majesty's Ship Sirius,with whom you are to return to the Port.
For which this shall be your Order.
Government House, Sydney
This 17th day of January 1791.
To Mr. David Blackburn
hereby appointed to
command His Majesty's
Armed Tender, Supply.
By His Excellency's Command.
David Collins
By His Excellency Arthur Phillip Esq, Captain General & Governor inChief, in & over His Majesty's Territory of New South Wales & itsDependencies.
Whereas Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball is from Sickness unable toproceed to Sea with His majesty's Armed Tender Supply, of which youare Master, & Ithink fit that you should command her during hisAbsence or until you shall receive further Orders.
You are hereby required & directed to take upon you the Charge ofCommand of the said Armed Tender accordingly. And having received onboard, the Stores which the Commissary has directed to send for theuse of the Settlers on Norfolk Island; & the Officers, Soldiers andothers named in the Margin, You are immediately to proceed to NorfolkIsland; where you will land the said People, Stores Jca.; etc, and having received on board such Persons as the Commanding officer on theIsland may send with a barge a Quantity of Deals, Axes & otherArticles for the use of this Settlement as you can conveniently stowyou are to return to this Port without further Loss of Time. For which this shall be your Order.
Government House Sydney
This 19th of March 1791
A Phillip
To Mr. David Blackburn Hereby, appointed to command His Majesty's Armed Tender, Supply By Command of His Excellence
David Collins