The Examiner Newspaper:-Saturday 21 October 1916

The Exemption Court Sittings at Launceston.
The Third Day's Results.
The court constituted to hear applications for exemption from military service under the proclamation calling up the citizen forces, continued its sittings at Launceston yeterday, under the presidency of the Police Magistrate (Mr. E.L. Hall). Decision in the majority of cases continues to be comparatively easy,
though, as may be expected, greater variety is manifesting itself in the claims,
as the only sons and sole remaining sons are gradually becoming exhausted. Yesterday 60 applications were dealt with.
Thirty were adjudged to have established their claim for exemption. The appeals of 14 were refused, four applications were withdrawn, three adjourned, and four referred to the principal medical officer while in the case of five others temporary exemption was granted. During the three days the court has been operating 163 claims have been dealt with, and total exemption has been granted in the case of 96 applicants. Details of yesterday's appeals are appended:
Arthur Albert Prosser (31), on the ground that he was an only son.