Ambrose Rounds came on a mission to Australia in 1904-06 for his church, The Latter say Saints,. Blanch LEWIS was a member there along with her brother Authur. Ambrose ROUNDS served in N.S.W.. He had left his wife and family at home. When he returned home his wife had a stroke and lived for 7 years paralyzed. She died in 1917. The children were about all raised and gone. Blanche had come to Salt Lake City tojoin the church there. Edmund went there and they were married.They had one son who died soon. Ambrose died in 1930. Blanche supported herself and lived alone. She had 3 cows and pasture land. She milked cows and lived very thriftily for 20 years.
Many neighbours, step grandchildren, including Helen BLOXHAM, then aged 13, helped her out.