The Mercury Newspaper:-Wednesday 3 October 1945
Lune River Mail
I cannot see why Mrs M. J. Cragg should take exception to remarks by
Cr Hay about the dally mail service to Lune, River. Cr Hay was impressing the fact that residents were forced to send some of their mail to Hastings when the mail bus was not leaving from here. Residents and men camping at the
quarry have given mail to Cr Hay and others to be posted at Hastings,
Hythe, or wherever convenient. If Mrs Cragg thinks she is taking the
business from this office, I suggest her husband hand all quarry mail
to me or one of the other men who travel daily from Lune River to the
quarry. There are three responsible persons within a stone's throw of
this office prepared to handle any mail from the quarry, but that would
cut down business at Hastings, and probably go a long way towards giving Lune River the much disputed daily mail. The onus seems to be on the quarrymen. Apart from the mail service quarrymen and residents here who wish to travel to Hobart have to walk to or from Hastings, because 150 or more persons cannot be served with a daily mail
Lune River.