Herbert's father Daniel Neal arrived at Stanley, Tasmania on 6 April 1832, he came from Evenlyn, Northamptonshire, England. Herbert was three years old when he came with his parents. His father was a bricklayer and came to work for VDL Co. Herbert's parents were Daniel NEAL & Emma Jane FRENCH who were married at Longford on 1st MAY 1852.
Herbert commenced his apprenticeship as a wheelwright with Robert Lee in Longford on 1st JAN 1882. He received 2/- a week at first &t his gradually increased to 6/- in his 5th & final year. He also worked for some time as a carpenter in the mines at Derby.
Bert was a wheelwright by trade but skilled in carpentry and so it was logical that he was asked to build his cousin James (J C) Diprose's house at Yolla. Bert travelled about 100 miles from Derby to Camp Creek (later Yolla) on his penny farthing bike. He often recalled that when he rode through settlements on his way that some elderly folk hurried into their cottages, muttering that such an apparition was the work of the devil. He was undeterred by their comments, proud of the fact tha the had even wonthe Christmas Day race from Longford to Launceston on his bike. When the Neals decided to also move to Yollat hey travelled there from DERBY in a bullock dray and lived in a two-roomed shanty until the land was cleared and improved. Herbert owneda block of landat PARRAWEE for his cattle to graze on in winter, as not much hay was harvested in those days prior to the war. These blocks were eventually sold to A.P.P.M. for the timber and in 1993 the trees had been replanted. In1920 Bert left the farm and resumed his trade, leaving his sons to work farm 'Alderside' until 1947 when it was sold. Clara & Bert led the fund-raising for the Yolla Memorial Hall and he was one of the builders.