Mary was born on 30 January 1787 and baptised at Chilham on 15March.In 1818 she married George Thomas Pyne at St Paul’s, Deptford (believed to be the brother of Charlotte Ann Pyne, who had married Mary’s brother Thomas in 1814). He died in 1838 and was buried at theChapel of Ease, Holloway, Islington; she died on 28 July 1854 and wasburied at St James, Bethnal Green. They had two children – HenryThomas (born 1 January 1819), and Jane Ann (born 18 October 1821), who married a Mr Goodbody on 20 August 1848; the will of Mary’s sister,Catherine, shows that Jane had a son, George.

(This info sent to me, no guarantee it is correct)