Eliza voyage to Van Diemen's Land, Australia in 1831 with 225 passengers

Convict     Description     Convicted At
Thomas Abery     Thomas Abery, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Alexander     Joseph Alexander, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Matthias Alexander     Matthias Alexander, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Allen     John Allen, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Shadrach Amor     Shadrach Amor, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Andrews     Henry Andrews, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
William Arney     William Arney, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Atkins     Joseph Atkins, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
David Baker     David Baker, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Baker     Henry Baker, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Baker     William Baker, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
George Ball     George Ball, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Ball     Robert Ball, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Samuel Banstone     Samuel Banstone, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
John Barrett     John Barrett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Barrett     Robert Barrett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Samuel Barrett     Samuel Barrett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
George Barrow     George Barrow, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
David Bartlett     David Bartlett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Bartlett     William Bartlett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Daniel Bates     Daniel Bates, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Berks Gaol Delivery
John Beale     John Beale, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Joseph Beaminster     Joseph Beaminster, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Beckingham     Richard Beckingham, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Charles Beckly     Charles Beckly, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Charles Bennett     Charles Bennett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Arthur Binstead     Arthur Binstead, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
George Binstead     George Binstead, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
Thomas Bishop     Thomas Bishop, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Robert Blake     Robert Blake, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Blandford     James Blandford, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Boxall     Thomas Boxall, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
John Boyes     John Boyes, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Brind     Thomas Brind, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Broadway     Henry Broadway, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Brown     Thomas Brown, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Special Gaol Delivery
William Brown     William Brown, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
James Burden     James Burden, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Charles Burge     Charles Burge, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
Thomas Burt     Thomas Burt, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Stephen Bushell     Stephen Bushell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
William Bushell     William Bushell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
Edward Camel     Edward Camel, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
James Case     James Case, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
David Champ     David Champ, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Chubb     Joseph Chubb, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Cole     Richard Cole, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Cole     William Cole, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
George Collins     George Collins, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Collins     John Collins, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Compton     Henry Compton, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Cook     William Cook, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
James Cooper     James Cooper, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Cowley     Robert Cowley, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Hurlock Crockford     Hurlock Crockford, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Cullender     Robert Cullender, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Curtis     William Curtis, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
George Davey     George Davey, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Dicketts     Henry Dicketts, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Dorey     James Dorey, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
John Duke     John Duke, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
James Dunk     James Dunk, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Charles Dunnett     Charles Dunnett, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Durham     William Durham, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Edgeworth     James Edgeworth, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Joseph Edgington     Joseph Edgington, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Henry Eldridge     Henry Eldridge, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William (The Younger) Elton     William Elton (The younger), one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Eyres     John Eyres, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Arthur Fielder     Arthur Fielder, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Fisher     Joseph Fisher, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
Thomas Foot     Thomas Foot, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Ford     James Ford, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Gange     Thomas Gange, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Edward Goble     Edward Goble, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
James Grant     James Grant, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
John Grant     John Grant, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Grant     Thomas Grant, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Groves     Richard Groves, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Hale     James Hale, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Samuel Harford     Samuel Harford, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
John Hart     John Hart, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
David Hawkins     David Hawkins, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Berks Gaol Delivery
Samuel Hayhoe     Samuel Hayhoe, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Hayter     William Hayter, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Hayward     John Hayward, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
David Heath     David Heath, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
David Heath     David Heath, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Heighes     Thomas Heighes, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Hepburn     Thomas Hepburn, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
Henry Herrington     Henry Herrington, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
William Hibberd     William Hibberd, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Hill     William Hill, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Arthur Hillier     Arthur Hillier, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Hillier     William Hillier, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Hillman     William Hillman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Hiscock     John Hiscock, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
George Hollands     George Hollands, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
William Holmes     William Holmes, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Holt     William Holt, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Hopgood     John Hopgood, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Hotson     John Hotson, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Peter Houghton     Peter Houghton, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
James House     James House, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Hulkes     Henry Hulkes, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
John Hunt     John Hunt, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Joseph Hunt     Joseph Hunt, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Barnabas Hutchinson     Barnabas Hutchinson, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Ingram     John Ingram, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
John Jacobs     John Jacobs, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
William Jefferies     William Jefferies, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Jeffries     William Jeffries, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
George Jenman     George Jenman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
William Jenman     William Jenman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Elias Kettle     Elias Kettle, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Kibblewhite     William Kibblewhite, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Kimmer     James Kimmer, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph King     Joseph King, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
Charles Lane     Charles Lane, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Lane     James Lane, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Liddiard     Joseph Liddiard, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Light     Thomas Light, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Edward Looker     Edward Looker, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Francis Macnamara     ** community contributed record **     Ireland, Kilkenny
Worthy Mann     Worthy Mann, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Marsh     William Marsh, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Matthews     Richard Matthews, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Levi Millard     Levi Millard, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Mitchell     John Mitchell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Moon     John Moon, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Stephen Moon     Stephen Moon, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
George Moore     George Moore, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Samuel (The Younger) Morey     Samuel Morey (The younger), one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Abraham Morgan     Abraham Morgan, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
James Mould     James Mould, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
James Mould     James Mould, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
William Munday     William Munday, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Edward Musto     Edward Musto, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John (The Younger) Newcombe     John Newcombe (The younger), one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Newman     John Newman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Francis Norris     Francis Norris, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Berks Gaol Delivery
Daniel North     Daniel North, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Samuel North     Samuel North, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William North     William North, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Olden     John Olden, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Oliphant     Richard Oliphant, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
Thomas Overy     Thomas Overy, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent (Town and Port of Dover) Quarter Session
John Pagden     John Pagden, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Special Gaol Delivery
George Paice     George Paice, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
George Palmer     George Palmer, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Pearce     John Pearce, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
John Perry     John Perry, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Pinchin     John Pinchin, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Joseph Pinchin     Joseph Pinchin, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Richard Pitman     Richard Pitman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
James Pointer     James Pointer, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Christopher Ponting     Christopher Ponting, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Poole     John Poole, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Thomas Porter     Thomas Porter, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Potticary     Henry Potticary, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
John Pudney     John Pudney, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Radway     William Radway, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
David Ranger     David Ranger, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Read     Thomas Read, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
Thomas Reed     Thomas Reed, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Rixon     Thomas Rixon, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Isaac Roberts     Isaac Roberts, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William (the Younger) Rogers     William Rogers (The younger), one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
John Rose     John Rose, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Samuel Seal     Samuel Seal, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Seaman     John Seaman, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Aaron Shepherd     Aaron Shepherd, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Charles Shepherd     Charles Shepherd, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Shepherd     John Shepherd, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Ship     Thomas Ship, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Sidders     William Sidders, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
John Silcock     John Silcock, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Charles Skitrell     Charles Skitrell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Slade     John Slade, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
George Smith     George Smith, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Stephen Smith     Stephen Smith, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
Thomas Smith     Thomas Smith, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Smith     William Smith, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
William Snook     William Snook, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
William Snow     William Snow, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
William Spencer     William Spencer, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Stannard     John Stannard, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
Edmund Steel     Edmund Steel, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Berks Gaol Delivery
Joshua Stevens     Joshua Stevens, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Robert Stevens     Robert Stevens, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
William Stone     William Stone, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
Thomas Strood     Thomas Strood, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Quarter Session
Edward Sydenham     Edward Sydenham, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Henry Thornton     Henry Thornton, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Tickner     John Tickner, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Kent Special Gaol delivery
Benjamin Timbrill     Benjamin Timbrill, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Tongs     John Tongs, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Topp     Thomas Topp, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
James Town     James Town, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
George Townsend     George Townsend, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
Robert Tribbens     Robert Tribbens, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Triggs     John Triggs, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
Richard Venwell     Richard Venwell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
Thomas Vinen     Thomas Vinen, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Vivash     Robert Vivash, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
John Vokins     John Vokins, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Wadley     Thomas Wadley, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
William Wadley     William Wadley, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Oxford Quarter Session
Charles Waters     Charles Waters, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Watts     William Watts, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Weaving     Thomas Weaving, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
George Webb     George Webb, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Webb     John Webb, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Essex Special Gaol Delivery
William Webb     William Webb, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Weeks     John Weeks, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Thomas Wells     Thomas Wells, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
George Welsh     George Welsh, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Sussex Quarter Session
James Wheeler     James Wheeler, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
William Whitcher     William Whitcher, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
Edmund White     Edmund White, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts Special Gaol Delivery
John Whitebread     John Whitebread, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Southampton Special Gaol Delivery
John Wilde     John Wilde, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
Robert Willoughby     Robert Willoughby, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery
William Witchell     William Witchell, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Gloucester Quarter Session
John Young     John Young, one of 224 convicts transported on the Eliza, 02 February 1831     Wilts. Special Gaol Delivery