Hannah Peeling was indicted for stealing, on the 13th of November last, a silver watch, value 3 £ a steel chain, value 1 s. a silver seal, value 5 s. the property of Duncan Ross..
The prisoner stopped the prosecutor in the street, and asked him to go with her, which he refused; she then pulled his watch out of his pocket, and ran into a house; he pursued her, and she called down five women and one man to her assistance, who swore they would take his life..
Transported for seven years..
Hannah Peeling was transported to Australia per the "Lady Juliana" in 1790 on what was to be known as the "Second Fleet" and shortly after arrival at Port Jackson was taken to Norfolk Island.
On Norfolk Island, Hannah married Stephen Martin, a convict from the "Alexander".
Stephen and Hannah had a daughter, Mary Ann, born on Norfolk Island..
When the settlers were taken off Norfolk Island in 1808, Stephen Martin was listed on the "Estramina" with a child, Mary Ann . This ship was engaged in transferring Norfolk Island Settlers to Van Diemens Land. Hannah died on Norfolk Island.