Launceston Examiner,Wednesday 10 September 1845.

MR MILBOURNE,Hair-dresser and "Wig Maker,St John street,Launceston,(nearly opposite Mr Rocher's office)begs to intimate that he manufactures the following articles,in first-rate style,equal to London-made:Superior patent Metallic Wig with patent crown,made to order from 2Pds to 3Pds 10s.Superior Carrandini scalps,from 15s to 2Pds Ladies' fronts with patent partings,from 5s to 12s.Ladies plaits and Ringlets made to order 4s upwards Ladies' and Gentlemens' Hair Watch Guards and Finger rings,made to order from their own hair,very low Hair properly cut and dressed at half the usual cost.N.B.Razors carefully set. Childrens' hair cut at the moderate price of 3d. each.Mr Milbourne having taken the premises for three years,respectfully informs his customers and the public that he intends fitting up a respectable private Hair-dressing Room..