Family Notices
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Wednesday 25 October 1939 p 9 Family Notices
CLARKE-MAYNE -In loving memory or my dear father, who passed away on
October 25, 1934. also my dear sister,
October 25, 1937. of Baden.
In our home your memory lingers,
Always tender, fond, and true;
As the years roll on dear father and sister,
I will always think of you.
Inserted by his loving son, and brother Ernest, and family, Baden.
CLARKE.-In fond and loving memory or our dear rather, nnd grandfather, Arthur William Clarke, who departed this life
on October 23. 1934. at Baden.
Dad's life was one whole sacrifice,
His heart was true and tender;
He worked so hard for those he loved,
Then left his to remember,
In our home hangs a beautiful picture,
To us more precious than gold;
It's a picture or our dear grandfather.
Whose memory will never grow cold.
'Inserted by his loving daughter and son in-law Jessie and Walter Bowerman and grandsons, Norman and Elvin, Baden