Clarence Price travelled to the West Coast from Woodbridge and workedon the Lake Margaret power station pipe line in 1937. He travelled onthe recently opened Lyell Highway which was a rough gravel road then.
He moved to the West Lyell open cut and became one of the Mt Lyell'sbest blast hole drillers, he finished his working career undergroundon long hole drills and after a bad accident looked after theunderground store at Prince Lyell. Chum was a very good aussie rulesfootballer an played for the City and Lyell Football Clubs inQueenstown Football Association becoming a life member of the LyellFootball Club Chum enjoyed singing and often performed at the footballsocial nights singing mostly songs by Nat King Cole. He never held adrivers license for personal use and only aquired a license when itwas required for his job as a driller. Chum and Grace brought a homein 1942 at 5 Conlan Street Queenstown and lot of hard work was putinto this house such as retaining walls and extensions to the houseetc. The house was sold in 1996 when Grace moved to Latrobe Tasmania.