The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840-1859) Friday 3 June 1842 p 3 Advertising
IN the matter of the Petition of William Carter,
of Hobart Town, Merchant, and Daniel Taylor, of Hobart Town, Auctioneer, praying that Bartholomew Reardon, the younger, may be declared insolvent.-To the creditors of the
said insolvent or their agents.-Notice is Hereby given, that the above-named William Carter and Daniel Taylor did this day
present to Valentine Fleming, Esquire, Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for Hobart Town, a petition praying, amongst other things, that the above-named Bartholomew Reardon, the younger, might be declared insolvent, whereupon he was declared insolvent by such Commissioner, who appointed Andrew Crombie, of Hobart Town, solicitor, provisional assignee, and Wednesday, the 15th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the Court of Requests' Room, in Hobart Town
aforesaid, for a meeting of the creditors ot the said insolvent, in order to the proof of their debts, the election of a permanent
assignee, and for otherwise proceeding in the said insolvency.
Dated this 28th day of May, 1842.
Solicitor to the said Insolvency.