He was convicted in Glasgow in 1788 of house breaking housebreaking & and sentenced to transportation for life with 7 years of service
BROWNE David 12188_4_4003_0051-52 Glasgow Glasgow 24/04/1788 LifePitt 1150_SZ115_0356 238
David BROWN a 17 year old ex soldier of the 74th Regiment of Foot was born in Scotland round 1772. He arrived in Sydney, New South Wales,Australia on 14th February 1792 on the 'Pitt' transport ship. He was convicted in Glasgow in 1788 of house breaking and stealing a bolt of material and sentenced to transportation for life with 7 years of service. He received his firstland grant of 30 acres At Wilberforce in 1798 and an Absolute Pardon 1799 for his work as a constable. David became a farmer and in thispursuit he became quite successful and helped meet the colony's desperate need to feed the growing population of Sydney Town.