Crime: Stealing money
Convicted at: Monmouth Assizes
Sentence term: 7 years
Ship: Emma Eugenia
Departure date: 16th November, 1841
Arrival date*: 16th July, 1842
Place of arrival Van Diemen's Land
Passenger manifest Travelled with 190 other convicts
Mary received a conviction of 3 months imprisonment for disorderly behaviour in October of 1840, but on the 31st, July 1841, she was sent to trial at the Monmouth Assizes Court for stealing 6 half crowns from a Jonah Evans, a shoemaker, in Newport. It is apparent that she was using an alias Shovel at the time.
It was recorded at the time of Mary’s trial that she had been ‘on the town’ for 2 years. At the time a brother Thomas was recorded as an inmate at the National Prison and it appears that he would also be transported.
She was then sent to board the convict ship ‘Emma Eugenia’ which left from Woolwich near London on the 16th November of that year. Her conduct report from the Convict registers reported her to be of dissolute character. Her religion was stated as Church of England.