Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900-1954) Monday 16 August 1937 Edition: LATE NEWS EDITION and DAILY p 6


A car got out of control when a skid developed while it was travelling along Elphin-road in rain on Saturday morning. It left the road and tore a seat beside the road from its mountings. The driver of the car, which was owned by Mr. L. A. Marsh, of Barrington-street, Hobart, was Robert Charles Price (23), of 32 Sundland-street, Hobart. The car was slightly damaged, but nobody was injured.

The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860-1954) Monday 16 August 1937 p 9
Motor-Car Skids

Robert Charles Price (22), ot Moonah
was driving a motor-car belonging to
Mr. L. R. Marsh, of Barrenger St., New
Town, along Elphin Rd., Launceston
yesterday, when the vehicle. skidded
lt struck a wooden seat on the side of
the road and was damaged slightly
None of the occupants was injured.