Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900-1954) Saturday 17 May 1941 Edition: LATE NEWS EDITION p 6 Article
The funeral of Mr. Henry Mohr took place at Longford. The cortege was a representative one. Before leaving the home a service was
conducted by Rev. W. H. MacFarlane, and Mr. S. Boon sang one of the deceased's favourite hymns, "Shall We Gather at the River." The services in the church and at the graveside were conducted by Mr. MacFarlane. Mrs. G. V. Jones was organist.
The chief mourners were Messrs. Charles, Roy, and Archibald Mohr (sons), Messrs. Charles and George Mohr (brothers), Nurse M. Mohr and Miss Jessie Mohr (daughters), and Mr. C. Smith (nephew). The pall-bearers were Messrs. G. Carins, W. F. Archer, E. Shackcloth and A. P. Fisher (representing justices of the peace),
Inspector Summers (Police Depart ment), Messrs. R. Cook (Longford Star Tent, I.O.R.), and A. K. Macdonald (Longford Fire Brigade Board). The casket-bearers were Messrs. A. Williams, W. Boxhall jun., L. Radford, and J. Viney, both employees of A. G. Webster and Sons, with whom Mr. Mohr was employed for 40 years.
Among the floral tributes were wreaths from the Iongford Star Tent, I.O.R., justices of the peace of the district, Longford Fire Brigade Board. A. G. Webster and Sons Pty. Ltd., Mitchell Motors Ply. Ltd.
Mr. Mohr leaves a widow, three sons, and two daughters. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. G. W. Hudson.