Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900-1954) Tuesday 15 July 1919 Edition: DAILY p 5 Family Notices

At St. Paul's yesterday the wedding was solemntised by Rev. C. H. Corvan of Corporal Frederick C. Shepherd, late of the A.I.F, and Miss Thelma D. Wood, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. R. W. Wood. "Do Kapp," Cleveland street, Only relatives. and intimate friends of the young couple were present. The bride was attired in a becoming and handsome gown of white silk trimmed with pearls, and wore a pretty net veil loaned by her cousin, Mrs. Claude Nevilie, of Devonport. She was given away by her father, and was attended by one bridesmaid, her cousin, Miss Kathleen .T. Acres, who was dressed in soft white voile. The bridegroom had as best man the bride's brother, Mr. Vernon Wood. As the bridal party entered the church Miss Ivy Teague sang "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden," and when the newly-married couple were leaving the same young lady sang with beautiful expression "Because." Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party were entertained at the residence of the bride's parents, where toasts were honoured and responded to. The bride groom replied to that of the happy couple, and Mr. V. Wood proposed the health or the bridesmaid. Mr. L. W. Wood also made a felicitous speech. The bride's mother was gowned in black crepe de chine. The bride's travelling costume was fawn gaberdine coat and skirt, with smart felt hat of a slightly darker shade. Corporal and Mrs. F.C. Shepherd's future home will be at Nabowla ...