Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900-1954) Tuesday 28 November 1939 Edition: LATE NEWS EDITION and DAILY p 5 Article

Fined for Driving Past
Stationary Tram-Car
"This is a most dangcrous practice,"
said the Police Magistrate (Mr. F. N.
Stops), in the Launceston Police Court yesterday when Frederick George Shepherd, who pleaded guilty, was fined £2, with costs 2/6, for having on October 4 in Wellington-street driven a
motor car past a stationary tram.
Messrs. W. H. Daymond and J. J. Kiely, Js.P., were also on the bench.
Sergeant R. H. Westell, who prosecuted, said that about 5.20 p.m. on October 4 Constable Phillips was at the corner of Thistle and Wellington streets. There were about 30 girls from Patons and Baldwins boarding a tram,
and Shepherd drove through the crowd.