The Examiner Newspaper:-Tuesday 27 November 1934

In the Oatlands Police Court last week the bench was occupied by Messrs. W. M. Lester and W. Rust, Js.P., Inspector W. D. Kirkham prosecuting. Maurice Pennicott, Allan Mason, and George Campbell. each pleaded guilty to having ridden a bicycle after sunset without a light on November 11, and each was ordered to pay 8s court costs.
Aubrey Dallas Tapp pleaded guilty to a charge of having used wrong number plates on a motor vehicle at Oatlands, and a fine of £1, with 5s costs, was imposed: For having used an unregistered motor car, the same defendant was fined £1, with costs 5s. On a third charge, that there was no windscreen wiper on a motor car, a conviction was recorded and costs remitted.
Ernest Colindale Tapp. for having permitted the previous defendant to use wrong number plates, was ordered to pay costs, 8s.