The Examiner Newspaper:- Friday 7 March 1930
In the St. Marys Police Court on Wednesday, three assault- cases' were
dealt with Mressrs. L. J: 'Steel' -and R: W.' Legge' were on the bench. Gordon Singline.' proceeded against' Aubrey Tapp assault on February 9 Gordon Singline, - Clarence Ellis, and George Lynch gave evidence for the
prosecutlon, and witnesses for the defence were Aubrey Tapp, William Tapp, Albert Tapp, John Gillies, and Henry Gillies. The case was dismissed, each to pay his own costs.
Lawrence Joseph Haney charged John Gillies with assault 'by striking him on the face with his fist on February 10. Complainant's witnesses were Trooper Summers, L. J. Maney and James A. Smith. Evidence for the defence was given by John. Gillies, Henry Gillies, Aubrey Tapp, and Ken Wright. Gillies was found guilty and fined 10s, with 15s court costs, £1 Is counsel's fees, and £1 witnesses' expenses, a total of £3 6s,.ln default 14 days. Gillies was allowed 14 days in which to pay. ' .