The Examiner Newspaper:-Wednesday 2 March 1938

An inquest concerning the death of William Daniel Lorraine Ellis, miner of Avoca, was held at the Courthouse at Campbell Town on Monday before the Coroner (Mr. N. A. Nicolson). Deceased met with a cycle accident near Cornwall on January 28, and died at
the Campbell Town Hospital on January 31. Sergeant Grace represented the police.
Basil Edgar Tapp, of Cornwall, brother-in-law of Ellis, stated that at 11.25 p.m. on January 28; Ellis came to his house and appeared to be very badly injured. He stated he had fallen from his bicycle at the culvert on the Cornwall Hill. Witness arranged to convey Ellis to Fingal for medical attention, and he was afterwards taken to the Campbell Town Hospital.
Dr. R. M. Webster, of Campbell Town, stated that Ellis was shocked and had severe injuries to the face.
The bones of the jaw were broken. He was dazed and must have been lying for some hours unattended. He considered that death had been caused by pneumonia through blood running into the lungs from the nose and
Sergeant J. Cooper, of St. Marys, stated that the culvert was Inspected by him and it appeared to be a very dangerous spot. There was nothing to indicate that a culvert existed, as there were no fender logs and rail.
The sides of the culvert were faced with rough stones, and it was upon these that Ellis fell.
The coroner's finding was that Ellis died as the result of injuries received accidentally.