The Examiner Newspaper:-Tuesday 12 August 1947

Baptist Church Anniversary
Thee 63rd anniversary of the Baptist Church In the Bracknell district was celebrated when the the union president (Mr. R. Town ley, M.H.A.) paid an official visit and was specisl preacher at the four district churches.
Celebrations were continued with a church tea and concert in the Town Hall, when a splendid programme was given by the choir of the Newstead Baptist Church.
Items were rendered by Messrs. G.Reinmuth, R. Butler. D. Austen, B.Ingles, B. Sherriff, G. Bye, Rev. J.Roberts-Thomson. Mesdames H. J. Dell, F. Pike, Misse Irene Ingles, Ellen and Thelma Sherriff, Margaret Peck, Tarbara Bye, Yvonne Jacobs, Lola Mead.
Pianists were Mr. Leonard Moon, Mrs. Roberts-Thomson, Miss Irene Ingles; conductor. Mr. Geo. Reinmuth,. Messrs. Clem Leonard and Frank Page were doormen.
Helpers tea and supper were:
Mesdames Alex Menzies, Joe Chilcott, Harold West, Vic: Chappell, Jack Chilcott, Arthur West, Don Roach, Clem Leonard, W. Mann,
Misses Rose Conn, Joyce Page, Merle Ward. Kathr Leonard, Margaret Menzies, Betty Tapp, Messrs. Arthur West and Bill Menzies. The Deputy Warden (Cr. H.B. West)' proposed a vote of thanks. Pastor Alex Menzies was chairman. Proceeds were £12. Visitors to the Baptist Manse were Mr. Townley, Mr. and Mrs John Menzies. Willlam, Nancy and Margarget Menzies and Miss Betty Tapp.