The following is an article appearing in a newspaper. Possibly the Examiner. Date not known.

When English housemaid, CORDELIA ELIZA FISHER, became involved with a TAPP back in 1857 little did she realize where it would all flow to.
Her marriage to Henry TAPP produced a family tree of TAPP, WILLIAMS, REES, BUSHINGS and BOLTONS that has the branches sagging under the load of it all. These branches mainly live in the St Marys area.
On Saturday, June 10, well over 100 descendants of the couple, right down to great, great, great grandchildren, will attend a family reunion at Clarendon Hotel in Evandale.
Henry TAPP, a labourer and a farmer, born in Devonshire, England in 1836, met delightful Cordelia FISHER, from Middlesex on the boat AMBROSINE, on the way out to Australia.
They say that Cordelia left England because of a broken romance. Maybe so, but her heart soon mended when she fell in love with young Henry TAPP.
They lived and worked at the Rawnsley's Hampden Mansion at Deddington on the Nile.
Cordelia moved to Cleveland where she raised her family and worked as a school teacher at the Cleveland State School. She died at Cleveland on September 12, 1917 aged 85 years.
The oldest living descendant on the male side is grandson Norm REES age 91 of Denning Street Invermay. Launceston businesswoman Sue REES is Norm's daughter.
Mr Don BOLTON, whose mother was REES, is proprietor of Clarendon Hotel, in Evandale, where the family reunion luncheon will be held at noon.
A short service will be held before the luncheon at the Uniting Church, Evandale at 11.00am.

Cordelia Eliza Fisher
They say that Cordelia left England because of a broken romance. Maybe so, but her heart soon mended when she fell in love with young Henry TAPP.