The Examiner Newspaper:-Friday 4 November 1932
Mrs. Martha Rees, an old resident of St. Marys, passed away on Tuesday morning, and there was a very large funeral when she was buried in the General Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. H. E. Warren conducted the service in Holy Trinity Church and at the grave. The chief mourners were Messrs. William, Ernest; George, Norman, and Elliot Rees (sons), G. Bolton (son-in-law), Mrs. G. Williams (sister), and Mr. W. Tapp (brother). Messrs. J. Newman, T. S. Trinder, T. Margison, and H.. Salter were pall-bearers. Deceased was born 73 years ago at Perth (Tasmania) and I after spending the earlier years of her life in Kentish, Beulah, Cleveland, and Fingal, had resided in St. Marys for 50 years. She is survived by eight sons and three daughters, Mrs. G. Bolton (St. Marys), and Mrs. F. McIntee and Mrs. R. Withington, of Launceston. Her husband, Mr. William Rees, who was local agent for the New Zealand Insurance Company, died 16 years ago, and Mrs. Rees has carried on the agency since then. As a mark of esteem the Tasmanian manager, - Mr. L. R. Hart, travelled from Launceston to, attend the funeral, and brought a floral wreath from the company. Among those present at the funeral were a large number of officials and. employees of the three collieries near St. Marys.