George Hinshelwood

M, b. 1896
FatherWilliam Hutton Hinshelwood b. 1874, d. 13 Aug 1947
Mother(?) Agnes b. 1873
Last Edited9 Jun 2011
     George Hinshelwood was born in 1896 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He lived in 1901 at Glasgow Bridgeton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Elizabeth H Hinshelwood

F, b. 1901
FatherWilliam Hutton Hinshelwood b. 1874, d. 13 Aug 1947
Mother(?) Agnes b. 1873
Last Edited9 Jun 2011
     Elizabeth H Hinshelwood lived in 1901 at Glasgow Bridgeton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. She was born in 1901 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

William Daniel Lorraine Ellis

M, d. 1 January 1938
Last Edited10 Jun 2011
     William Daniel Lorraine Ellis died on 1 January 1938 at Campbell Town Hospital, Campbell Town, Tasmania, Australia,

The Examiner Newspaper:-Wednesday 2 March 1938

An inquest concerning the death of William Daniel Lorraine Ellis, miner of Avoca, was held at the Courthouse at Campbell Town on Monday before the Coroner (Mr. N. A. Nicolson). Deceased met with a cycle accident near Cornwall on January 28, and died at
the Campbell Town Hospital on January 31. Sergeant Grace represented the police.
Basil Edgar Tapp, of Cornwall, brother-in-law of Ellis, stated that at 11.25 p.m. on January 28; Ellis came to his house and appeared to be very badly injured. He stated he had fallen from his bicycle at the culvert on the Cornwall Hill. Witness arranged to convey Ellis to Fingal for medical attention, and he was afterwards taken to the Campbell Town Hospital.
Dr. R. M. Webster, of Campbell Town, stated that Ellis was shocked and had severe injuries to the face.
The bones of the jaw were broken. He was dazed and must have been lying for some hours unattended. He considered that death had been caused by pneumonia through blood running into the lungs from the nose and mouth.
Sergeant J. Cooper, of St. Marys, stated that the culvert was Inspected by him and it appeared to be a very dangerous spot. There was nothing to indicate that a culvert existed, as there were no fender logs and rail.
The sides of the culvert were faced with rough stones, and it was upon these that Ellis fell.
The coroner's finding was that Ellis died as the result of injuries received accidentally.1


  1. [S3] Website: The Examiner Newspaper.

Alan George Buxton

M, b. 4 December 1920
FatherLieutenant John Beveridge Trevillion Buxton b. 26 Apr 1897, d. 8 Sep 1966
MotherMildred Jane Pretoria Webb b. 22 Jan 1900, d. 3 Nov 1956
Military ServiceY
Last Edited11 Jan 2018
     Alan George Buxton was born on 4 December 1920 at Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia. He served in 2nd Australian Imperial Force, Gunner- 2/1 Survey Regiment, between 5 June 1940 and 24 November 1942 Army service in the Middle East, and transfer into the RAAF which took him to Canada for training and hence to Britain for the remainder of the war. He was a navigator in Bomber Command, squadron 617. ( The Dambusters) . Incidentally, he was recently awarded the French Legion of Honour for his contributions to the Freedom of France.1 He served in The Royal Australian Air Force, Flying Officer - 617 Squadron, between 25 November 1942 and 20 February 1946.1


  1. [S9] Email message from M.B. (Family Member).

Joan Isaphine Buxton

F, b. 10 September 1924, d. 15 January 1987
FatherLieutenant John Beveridge Trevillion Buxton b. 26 Apr 1897, d. 8 Sep 1966
MotherMildred Jane Pretoria Webb b. 22 Jan 1900, d. 3 Nov 1956
Last Edited15 Jun 2011
     Her married name was Reynolds. Joan Isaphine Buxton was born on 10 September 1924 at Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia. She died on 15 January 1987 at Gympie, Queensland, Australia, at age 62.

Amy Eliza Pickett

F, b. 2 February 1903, d. 29 May 1987
Last Edited6 Nov 2012
     Amy Eliza Pickett was born on 2 February 1903 at Green Ponds, Tasmania, Australia. As of 17 December 1920,her married name was Prosser. She married Arthur Albert Prosser, son of Walter John Prosser and Martha Frances Hickson, on 17 December 1920 at Minister's Residence, 117a Elphin Road, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. Amy Eliza Pickett and Arthur Albert Prosser were divorced after 18 December 1920. Amy Eliza Pickett died on 29 May 1987 at Auburn, New South Wales, Australia, at age 84.


Arthur Albert Prosser b. 1885, d. 22 Apr 1968

Beatrice May Paul

F, b. 12 November 1890, d. 15 October 1922
MotherEmma Hicking b. 6 Jun 1853, d. 28 Jul 1944
Last Edited29 Feb 2016
     Her married name was Maguire. Beatrice May Paul was born on 12 November 1890 at Koonya, Tasmania, Australia.1 She died on 15 October 1922 at Tasmania, Australia, at age 31.


  1. [S168] Website: Tribal Pages.