Convict Sarah Woolley
F, b. 1773, d. 12 April 1809

Convict | Y |
Reference | W-45452-Sc |
Last Edited | 9 Apr 2017 |
Her married name was Ryan. Convict Sarah Woolley was born in 1773 at London, England. She was convict on 28 October 1789 at The Old Bailey, London, England,convicted for stealing with Ann White. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Shewas transported on 19 January 1790 on the convict transport ship 'Neptune' from Portsmouth, England to Australia. She arrived 28 June 1790 on the convict transport ship 'Neptune' in Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia as a Second Fleet Convict. She married Convict John Ryan on 5 November 1791 at Norfolk Island they were probably married by the Reverend Richard Johnson when he visited the island in November 1791. They were probably living together by February 1791 when each was issued with a pig under Major Ross's scheme designed to encourage convicts to become self-sufficient. The couple lived on a 10 acre farm at Charlotte Field, Queensborough, where a daughter, Elizabeth was born in 1792. Convict Sarah Woolley departed Norfolk Island 1794 for Sydney. She By 1800 John had either died, with no record of his burial surviving, or left the colony. he has not been traced in any later record. In that year Sarah was listed as a landholder in her own right, a status usually accorded to widows. She owned 7 hogs and had 14 acres sown
in wheat and 5 in Maize. She was self supporting, with three children maintained by government rations. By 1802 she was fully supporting four children, owned 30 hogs, and had 20 acres sown in wheat with 10
bushels of wheat and 20 of Maize in store. The birth of her fourth child Sarah Ryan was recorded on 1 November 1800. in 1800 at Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia. She died on 12 April 1809 at Mackenzies Creek, Pitt Town, New South Wales, Australia, The cause of her death was a Carriage accident.
This is the report of Sarah's death from "The Sydney Gazette No. 276, Sunday April 16, 1809
On Wednesday last Mrs mason, wife of Mr. William Mason, of the Green Hills, was unfortunately thrown
from a chaise near Mackellar's Creek, and expired in about half an hour. The deceased was that morning
desirous of taking an excursion to Richmond for the benefit of her health ; and requested Mr. Kable to
accompany her thither in the chaise with her eldest daughter ; to which he consented with some reluctance,
as he was desirous of returning that day to Sydney. Taking the road by the river-side, one of the wheels
struck violently against a stump that was concealed by grass, and Mr Kable unfortunately fell out. The
deceased and her daughter both screamed at the instant, and the horse taking fright, they were likewise
thrown from the vehicle, which Mr. Kable had endeavoured to overtake as soon as he sufficiently recovered
; the daughter was severely bruised ; but was able to accompany Mr. Kable to render assistance to her
mother ; who complained that one of the wheels had passed over her back, and declared herself a dying
woman. Mr Surgeon Milcham was sent for, with every possible expedition, but Mrs Mason had expired in
her daughter's arms before that Gentleman could reach the spot. Mr and Mrs Badgery and Mr Faithful arrived at the place about ten minutes after the melancholy accident, and were very attentive to the offices of
humanity. A coroner's Inquest was taken a 5 o'clock the same evening, whose verdict was Accidental Death; after which the body was taken home, and interred on Thursday evening. The funeral was numerously and
respectably attended, many persons travelling from ten to twenty miles to pay this last tribute of respect to a departed much lamented friend, whose kindness of disposition and obliging manners have ever been the
admiration of all who were acquainted with her ; as a mother and a wife her conduct was exemplary ; and her loss will for ever be sincerely regretted by a disconsolate husband and a family of six children.
By courtesy of the State Library of N.S.W.
in wheat and 5 in Maize. She was self supporting, with three children maintained by government rations. By 1802 she was fully supporting four children, owned 30 hogs, and had 20 acres sown in wheat with 10
bushels of wheat and 20 of Maize in store. The birth of her fourth child Sarah Ryan was recorded on 1 November 1800. in 1800 at Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia. She died on 12 April 1809 at Mackenzies Creek, Pitt Town, New South Wales, Australia, The cause of her death was a Carriage accident.
This is the report of Sarah's death from "The Sydney Gazette No. 276, Sunday April 16, 1809
On Wednesday last Mrs mason, wife of Mr. William Mason, of the Green Hills, was unfortunately thrown
from a chaise near Mackellar's Creek, and expired in about half an hour. The deceased was that morning
desirous of taking an excursion to Richmond for the benefit of her health ; and requested Mr. Kable to
accompany her thither in the chaise with her eldest daughter ; to which he consented with some reluctance,
as he was desirous of returning that day to Sydney. Taking the road by the river-side, one of the wheels
struck violently against a stump that was concealed by grass, and Mr Kable unfortunately fell out. The
deceased and her daughter both screamed at the instant, and the horse taking fright, they were likewise
thrown from the vehicle, which Mr. Kable had endeavoured to overtake as soon as he sufficiently recovered
; the daughter was severely bruised ; but was able to accompany Mr. Kable to render assistance to her
mother ; who complained that one of the wheels had passed over her back, and declared herself a dying
woman. Mr Surgeon Milcham was sent for, with every possible expedition, but Mrs Mason had expired in
her daughter's arms before that Gentleman could reach the spot. Mr and Mrs Badgery and Mr Faithful arrived at the place about ten minutes after the melancholy accident, and were very attentive to the offices of
humanity. A coroner's Inquest was taken a 5 o'clock the same evening, whose verdict was Accidental Death; after which the body was taken home, and interred on Thursday evening. The funeral was numerously and
respectably attended, many persons travelling from ten to twenty miles to pay this last tribute of respect to a departed much lamented friend, whose kindness of disposition and obliging manners have ever been the
admiration of all who were acquainted with her ; as a mother and a wife her conduct was exemplary ; and her loss will for ever be sincerely regretted by a disconsolate husband and a family of six children.
By courtesy of the State Library of N.S.W.
Family | Convict John Ryan b. 1767, d. 1805 |
Children |