George Alexander

M, #391, b. 1762
     George Alexander was born in 1762 at Amport, Hampshire, England. He married Sarah Harding on 24 August 1788 at Amport, Hampshire, England.


Sarah Harding b. 1763
Last Edited2 Sep 2014

John Alexander

M, #402, b. 21 January 1798
FatherGeorge Alexander b. 1762
MotherSarah Harding b. 1763
     John Alexander was christened on 21 January 1798 at East Garston, Berkshire, England. He was the son of George Alexander and Sarah Harding.
Last Edited17 Sep 2009

Martha Alexander

F, #411, b. 3 November 1805, d. 19 March 1809
FatherGeorge Alexander b. 1762
MotherSarah Harding b. 1763
     Martha Alexander was baptized in the LDS church. She received her endowment. She was christened on 3 November 1805 at East Garston, Berkshire, England. She was the daughter of George Alexander and Sarah Harding. Martha Alexander died on 19 March 1809 at East Garston, Berkshire, England, at age 3. She was sealed as a child to , daughter of George Alexander and Sarah Harding, on 30 April 1971 at New Zealand.
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Mary Alexander

F, #413, b. 15 November 1795
FatherGeorge Alexander b. 1762
MotherSarah Harding b. 1763
     Mary Alexander was christened on 15 November 1795 at East Garston, Berkshire, England. She was the daughter of George Alexander and Sarah Harding. Mary Alexander was sealed as a child to , daughter of George Alexander and Sarah Harding, on 30 April 1971 at New Zealand. Mary Alexander was baptized in the LDS church on 26 January 1973. She received her endowment on 15 February 1973.
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Ruth Alexander

F, #420, b. 29 May 1803
FatherGeorge Alexander b. 1762
MotherSarah Harding b. 1763
     Ruth Alexander was christened on 29 May 1803 at East Garston, Berkshire, England. She was the daughter of George Alexander and Sarah Harding.
Last Edited28 May 2009

Thomas Alexander

M, #424, b. 23 March 1794
FatherGeorge Alexander b. 1762
MotherSarah Harding b. 1763
     Thomas Alexander was christened on 23 March 1794 at East Garston, Berkshire, England. He was the son of George Alexander and Sarah Harding. Thomas Alexander was sealed as a child to , son of George Alexander and Sarah Harding, on 30 April 1971; ARIZO. Thomas Alexander was baptized in the LDS church on 26 January 1973. He received his endowment on 15 February 1973.
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

William Alexander

M, #425, b. 1839
MotherFrances Izzard b. 15 Jul 1821, d. 1883
     William Alexander was born in 1839 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. He was the son of Frances Izzard.
Last Edited10 Jul 2009

Sarah Alger (Bullock)

F, #429, b. between 1781 and 1800, d. between 1802 and 1884
     Her married name was Oak. Sarah Alger (Bullock) was born between 1781 and 1800. She married William Oak, son of Nathaniel Oak and Susanna Hastings, between 1802 and 1822. Sarah Alger (Bullock) died between 1802 and 1884.


William Oak b. 6 Nov 1785, d. 1825
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Christian Allan

F, #435, b. 1701
FatherFrancis Allan b. 1675
MotherMargaret Cunninghame b. c 1680
     Her married name was Kelty. Christian Allan was born in 1701 at Scotland. She was the daughter of Francis Allan and Margaret Cunninghame. Christian Allan married Walter Kelty in 1717 at Scotland.


Walter Kelty b. 1703
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Francis Allan

M, #438, b. 1675
     Francis Allan was born in 1675 at Scotland. He married Margaret Cunninghame in 1698 at Scotland.


Margaret Cunninghame b. c 1680
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

George Oscar Allan

M, #439, b. 1920, d. 1990
FatherOscar James Allan b. 1892, d. 1975
MotherMyrtle Laura Elizabeth Haynes b. 15 Nov 1898
     George Oscar Allan was born in 1920. He was the son of Oscar James Allan and Myrtle Laura Elizabeth Haynes. George Oscar Allan died in 1990 at Lansdowne Crescent, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Oscar James Allan

M, #444, b. 1892, d. 1975
     Oscar James Allan married Myrtle Laura Elizabeth Haynes, daughter of Alfred James Haynes and Minnie Lilian Canslawr. Oscar James Allan was born in 1892. He died in 1975.


Myrtle Laura Elizabeth Haynes b. 15 Nov 1898
Last Edited21 Sep 2010

Jane Georgiana Allanby

F, #449, b. 1824, d. 26 March 1889
     Her married name was Spotswood. Jane Georgiana Allanby was born in 1824 at Hobart, Van Diemen's Land, Australia. She arrived on the ship 'Prince Regent' 24 July 1824 in Hobart, Van Diemen's Land, Australia. She was christened on 26 July 1824. She married George Spotswood on 21 November 1846 at Richmond, Van Diemen's Land, Australia. Jane Georgiana Allanby died on 26 March 1889 at Brunswick East, Victoria, Australia. She was buried on 26 March 1889 at Melbourne General Cemetery, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Headstone:-
In loving rememberance of Jane Georgiana relict of the late George Spottiswood of Clifton Bream Creek Tasmania who died 25 March 1889 aged 65 years Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Estelle beloved child of Harry and Lizzie Downward n. She was baptized in the LDS church on 9 November 1995 at Mexico. She received her endowment on 16 May 1996 at Mexico. She was sealed as a child to whose parents are unknown on 8 August 1996 at Mexico.


George Spotswood b. 22 Apr 1820, d. 2 Jul 1885
Marriage*She married George Spotswood on 21 November 1846 at Richmond, Van Diemen's Land, Australia
Last Edited6 Nov 2015

Llewellyn Albert Allanby

M, #451, b. 1843
     Llewellyn Albert Allanby was born in 1843. He married Eliza Hayton, daughter of Joseph Hayton and Dorothy Sharp, on 23 September 1869. Llewellyn Albert Allanby was buried in 1921.


Eliza Hayton b. 26 Sep 1841, d. 1913
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Ann Jane Allcorn

F, #452, b. circa 1840, d. 6 May 1902
     Her married name was Fletcher-Jones. Ann Jane Allcorn was born circa 1840 at England. She married Thomas Fletcher-Jones, son of Convict Thomas Fletcher-Jones and Convict Elizabeth Flanagan, on 30 December 1859 at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Ann Jane Allcorn died on 6 May 1902.


Thomas Fletcher-Jones b. 18 Apr 1838, d. 7 Sep 1929
Last Edited9 Dec 2013

Alfred Raymond Allen

M, #454, b. 4 November 1901, d. July 1972
     Alfred Raymond Allen and Vera Adeline Baner Victorian BDM Marriages Index 1921 - 1942 Marriage Registration No
9317 Veronica Elizabeth Baner and Alfred Raymond Cook. Alfred Raymond Allen was born on 4 November 1901 at Cassilis, Victoria, Australia.1 He married Vera Adeline Baner, daughter of John Baner and Adeline Augusta Benbow, on 1 August 1929 at Victoria, Australia. Alfred Raymond Allen died in July 1972 at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, at age 70.2


Vera Adeline Baner b. 30 Sep 1904, d. 22 Jan 1985
Last Edited9 Mar 2009


  1. [S12] Website: Victorian BDM Federation Index 1889 - 1901.
  2. [S13] Website: Victorian Death Indexes 1921-1985.

Ellen Agnes Allen

F, #457, b. 3 July 1875, d. 22 June 1946
     Her married name was Watts. Ellen Agnes Allen was born on 3 July 1875 at Westbury, Tasmania, Australia. She married Francis Edwin Watts, son of William Kent Watts and Maria Burgess, on 18 June 1904 at Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia. Ellen Agnes Allen died on 22 June 1946 at Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia, at age 70.


Francis Edwin Watts b. 15 Jul 1873, d. 1 Jun 1945
Last Edited10 Jul 2009

Elsie May Allen

F, #458, b. 28 November 1883, d. 8 February 1966
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Her married name was Judge. Elsie May Allen was born on 28 November 1883 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. She was the daughter of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham. Elsie May Allen married Maurice Charles Judge on 4 July 1908 at Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Elsie May Allen died on 8 February 1966 at age 82.


Maurice Charles Judge b. 13 Aug 1882, d. 22 Mar 1968
Last Edited10 Apr 2011

Francis Allen

M, #459, b. 1671, d. 17 October 1749
FatherRobert Allen b. 1650, d. 21 Apr 1701
MotherHannah White b. 1647, d. 1701
     Francis Allen was born in 1671 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA. He was born in 1671 at Ellicott, Maryland, USA. He was the son of Robert Allen and Hannah White. Francis Allen married Hannah Jenkins, daughter of Jabez Jenkins and Hannah Curtis, between 1693 and 1724 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA. Francis Allen died on 17 October 1749 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA, Copy of His Will

In the Name of God. Amen. The eighth day of March, Anno Domini,OneThousand
Seven Hundred and Forty Four Five (?), I Francis Allen of Kitteryinthe
County of York and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England,Yeoman,
being aged and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given
to God, therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body, do make and
ordain this and none other to be my last will and testament, Viz't
principally & first of all I recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that
gave it, and my body to the earth to be decently buried atthediscretion of
my executor hereafter named and as ? touching such worldly estate wherewith
it both pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of the same
in manner and form following Viz't.

Imp'r. I give & bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife, Hannah Allen, all my
stock of cattle and all my household goods of what kind soever at her
disposing, and for her comfortable maintenance during her life, anwhat
shall remain thereof at her death to be equally divided amongst my daughters
or such as shall legally represent them besides her Dower in my house and
lands during life, Viz't the yearly income thereof to be paid her yearly by
my son Elijah Allen according to an obligation by him given bearing even
date with this my will.

It. I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Allen besides what I have given him formerally by deed one acre of land or thereabouts now in his possission where his dwelling house now stands in full of his portion to him,his heirs
and assign forever.

It. I give and bequeath unto my Robert Allen besides what I have given by
deed formerly Five shillings in money in full his portion to him,his heirs
and assign forever.

It. I give and bequeath unto my son Elijah Allen besides my homestead and
other lands given him by deed all my tools and implements of husbandry to
him, his heirs and assign forever, he paying the Legacy to my five daughters
hereafter mentioned for which he has given an obligation bearing even date
with this my will.

It. I give and bequeath unto my five daughters, Hannah Hill,Anne Libbits,
Elisabeth Meader, Mary Robinsin, and Lydia Allen each of these five pounds
in lawful money besides what I have already given them to be paid them and each them and heir respective heirs assign and administered by my son Elijah
Allen within five yours after my decease according to his obligation
aforementioned and

Lastly I do ordain constitute and appoint my dearly beloved wife,Hannah
Allen and my beloved son, Elijah Allen executors of this my last will and
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year
above written
Signed Sealed published and declared by Francis Allen the Testators to be
his last will and testament

Francis Allen
In presence of ______ the subscribers
Samuel Hill
Samuel Moore
Joseph Hill
York ss. at a court of probate held at York October 7, 1749

The within written instrument was presented by Elijah Allen an executor
therein named on the fourth of August last, Hannah Allen the executrise
therein named having renouned said trust; and then Samuel Hill, Samuel Moore
and Joseph Hill appeared and made both that they were present and saw the above named Francis Allen the Testator sign and seal and heard him declare
the said instrument to be his last will and testament; and that hewasthen
of a sound disposing mind to _________discerning and that theysignedthe
same as witnesses thereto in the testatory presence. And I doherebyallow
and approve of the same.
Dan. Moulton
Judge Prob.
A true copy exam'd F. Simon Frost Reg'r.


Hannah Jenkins b. 1681, d. bt 1720 - 1776
Last Edited19 Apr 2009

Frederick George Allen

M, #461, b. 20 July 1854, d. 25 October 1929
     Frederick George Allen was born on 20 July 1854 at Pangbourne, Berkshire, England. He married Mary Elizabeth Goodin, daughter of William Goodin and Martha Lucas, on 26 July 1879 at Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia. Frederick George Allen died on 25 October 1929 at Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia, at age 75.


Mary Elizabeth Goodin b. 8 Feb 1849, d. 6 Mar 1940
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Gladys Belle Allen

F, #465, b. 1894
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Her married name was Stacey. Gladys Belle Allen was born in 1894 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. She was the daughter of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham.
Last Edited10 Apr 2011

Henry Allen

M, #467, b. 1626
     Henry Allen married Christian Knox. Henry Allen was born in 1626 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.


Christian Knox b. 1628
Last Edited22 Sep 2010

Jean Olive Allen

F, #468, b. 31 October 1898
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Her married name was Cupitt. Jean Olive Allen was born on 31 October 1898 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. She was the daughter of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham. Jean Olive Allen married Stanley Roy Cupitt in 1919 at Paddington, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


Stanley Roy Cupitt b. 5 Jul 1895, d. 14 Sep 1930
Last Edited10 Apr 2011

Lance Frederick Allen

M, #474, b. 1901
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Lance Frederick Allen was born in 1901 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. He was the son of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham.
Last Edited10 Apr 2011

Lydia Allen

F, #477, b. 12 July 1717, d. 17 June 1758
FatherFrancis Allen b. 1671, d. 17 Oct 1749
MotherHannah Jenkins b. 1681, d. bt 1720 - 1776
     Her married name was Cartland. Lydia Allen was born on 12 July 1717 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA. She was the daughter of Francis Allen and Hannah Jenkins. Lydia Allen married Joseph Cartland, son of John Cartland and Hannah (?), on 7 November 1745 at Dover, New Hampshire, USA. Lydia Allen died on 17 June 1758 at Dover, New Hampshire, USA, at age 40.


Joseph Cartland b. 21 Dec 1721, d. 20 Jan 1807
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Mary Ann Allen

F, #481, b. 1817, d. 25 August 1876
FatherWilliam Allen b. 1793, d. 1859
MotherMary Cook b. 1793, d. 1872
     Her married name was Townsend. Mary Ann Allen was born in 1817 at Great Glen, Leicestershire, England. She was the daughter of William Allen and Mary Cook. Mary Ann Allen married William Townsend, son of James Townsend and Ann Gibson, on 23 May 1836. Mary Ann Allen died on 25 August 1876.


William Townsend b. 1814, d. 30 Nov 1858
Last Edited9 Mar 2009

Pearl Isobel Allen

F, #486, b. 19 January 1888, d. 14 November 1972
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Her married name was Price. Pearl Isobel Allen was born on 19 January 1888 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. She was the daughter of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham. Pearl Isobel Allen married Alfred Henry Price on 15 October 1908 at Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.1 Pearl Isobel Allen lived in 1930 at 58 St. James Road, Waverley, New South Wales, Australia. She lived in 1933 at 58 St. James Road, Waverley, New South Wales, Australia. She lived in 1949 at 51 Grafton Street, Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia. She lived in 1954 at 51 Grafton Street, Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia. She lived in 1958 at 51 Grafton Street, Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia. She died on 14 November 1972 at Pendle Hill, New South Wales, Australia, at age 84.


Alfred Henry Price b. 23 Mar 1882, d. 18 Nov 1952
Marriage*She married Alfred Henry Price on 15 October 1908 at Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.1 
Last Edited13 Oct 2014


  1. [S277] Website: NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages.

Reginald George Allen

M, #488, b. 1890
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Reginald George Allen was born in 1890 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. He was the son of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham.
Last Edited10 Apr 2011

Rita Selina Allen

F, #489, b. 1891
FatherWilliam James Allen b. 11 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1947
MotherMartha Isabella Graham b. 2 Sep 1862, d. 14 Sep 1945
     Her married name was Bushell. Rita Selina Allen was born in 1891 at Windsor, New South Wales, Australia.1 She was the daughter of William James Allen and Martha Isabella Graham.
Last Edited10 Apr 2011


  1. [S277] Website: NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages.

Robert Allen

M, #490, b. 1650, d. 21 April 1701
FatherHenry Allen b. 1626
MotherChristian Knox b. 1628
     Robert Allen was born in 1650 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA. He was the son of Henry Allen and Christian Knox. Robert Allen was born in 1655 at Kittery, Maine, USA. He married Hannah White, daughter of John White and Lucy m White, in 1675. Robert Allen died on 21 April 1701 at Kittery, York, Maine, USA.


Hannah White b. 1647, d. 1701
Last Edited9 Mar 2009